Taste of ClickerExpo 1-Day Live Broadcast

Never been to ClickerExpo? Too far away to attend this year?

Join us for a 1-Day Live Broadcast and get a taste of ClickerExpo!

We've partnered with a select group of organizations in six cities to host a special live broadcast of some of the fantastic Sessions at ClickerExpo 2014.

Join other attendees for an all-day event filled with knowledge, networking, and fun! Find out why so many people say ClickerExpo is the best conference they have ever attended! Limited early-bird spots available. Reserve your spot today!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Taste of ClickerExpo Live Broadcast will be available in six locations in the Midwest and the Southwest United States, and will be hosted by our terrific partners.

  1. Appleton, WI
    Compassionate Canines, Inc.
  2. Austin, TX
    Service Dogs, Inc.
  3. Chicago, IL
    Shedd Aquarium
  4. Cincinnati, OH
    SPCA of Cincinnati
  5. Des Moines IA
    Animal Rescue League
  6. Rochester Hills, MI
    Leader Dogs for the Blind, Inc.

Details of the live broadcast:

  • The broadcast includes 5 Sessions from ClickerExpo 2014. View the Taste of ClickerExpo program schedule!
  • You will be seated theater-style at tables in a conference facility. Sessions will be broadcast on a large screen.
  • Local "hosts" will greet you at the facility, check you in, and provide conference materials.
  • The broadcast will begin Saturday March 29, at 9:00 a.m. EST and end at 5:45 p.m. EST. Local time will be 1-2 hours earlier, depending on your city.
  • A dedicated live "host" from ClickerExpo will keep you informed and engaged with special interviews and commentary.
  • Doors will open for admission 45 minutes prior to broadcast. Seating will be open.
  • Various food options will be available depending on your location. Your options for each location will be viewable during the registration process.

View registration options and pricing >

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