Focusing on training people so that people can focus on training animals!
Consulting Services
We provide custom training and behavioral services globally for organizations that need a goal met, people trained, or problems solved. We have an extraordinary depth of knowledge, a track record of success, and an ethos of partnership.
“Animals deserve the best care we can possibly provide. Training should not be considered a luxury that is only provided if there is time; it is an essential part of good animal care. Just as one would never consider developing an animal care program without a veterinary component, a nutritional component, a social component, and an environmental component, nobody should consider caring for an animal without a behavioral management component integrated into the program.”
- Ken Ramirez
Customized Services
Private Consultation
Zoo & Aquarium Specialists
Working Dogs
Pet Care Programs
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Client List
Ken Ramirez has been working in the training community for over 50 years. Below is a partial list of employers, clients, and organizations Ken has worked with as an employee, a consultant, an invited lecturer, or a contracted trainer.
- Action 4 Dogs, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Active Environments, Torrance, CA
- Ahimsa Dog Training, Seattle, WA
- American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK)
- American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV)
- American Humane Association (AHA)
- Animal Behavior Management Alliance (ABMA)
- Animal Click, the Netherlands
- Animal Interaction Design Group
- Animal Management Resources, Inc.
- Animal Rescue League of Iowa, Inc., Des Moines, IA
- Annenberg Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
- Antwerp Zoo, Belgium
- Assiniboine Park Zoo, Winnipeg, Canada
- Assistance Dogs International (ADI)
- Association of Iberian Zoo Keepers (AICAS), Portugal & Spain
- Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT)
- Association of Professional Dog Trainers Australia
- Association of Professional Dog Trainers NZ, New Zealand
- Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), Training School
- Australasian Society of Zookeepers (ASZK)
- Bayworld, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- Boras Djurpark, Boras, Sweden
- California Narcotic Canine Association (CNCA)
- Canis Dog Training, Norway & Sweden
- Cavalia, Quebec, Canada
- Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT)
- Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Clearwater, FL
- Clicker Training fur Pferde, Munich, Germany
- Colorado's Ocean Journey, Denver, CO
- Curso Clicker, Madrid, Spain
- Delphinus, Cancun Mexico
- Digital Realm Productions, Chicago, IL
- Dog Action, the Netherlands
- DogConseil (Dog Event), France
- Dog Saving Network, Chicago, IL
- Dogs of Course, Worcester, MA
- Dogtrac, Ghent, Belgium
- Dog Training Club of Chester County, Exton, PA
- Dolphin Discovery, Cancun, Mexico
- Dolphin Quest, French Polynesia
- Dolphin Magic, Huatulco, Mexico
- EATM Program, Moorpark College, Moorpark, CA
- Edogtorial, Madrid, Spain
- Empire Working Dog Club, Rochester, NY
- European Association of Aquatic Mammals (EAAM)
- Elephant Conservation International, Cape Town, South Africa
- Fjord & Baelt Centre, Kertiminde, Denmark
- Farglory Ocean Park, Hualien, Taiwan
- Five Star Dog Training, Vancouver, Canada
- Flight Club Foundation, Seattle, WA
- Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, Fort Wayne, IN
- Gentle Touch Pet Training, Arroyo Grande, CA
- Granby Zoo, Granby, Canada
- Guide Dogs for the Blind, Boring, OR & San Rafael, CA
- Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Yorktown Heights, NY
- Gulfarium, Fort Walton Beach, FL
- Happy-Fellow Seminars & Training, Austria
- Harbor Performance Corporation, Los Angeles, CA
- Heartland Positive Dog Training Alliance, Kansas City, KS
- Houston Zoological Gardens, Houston, TX
- Hundeadfaerdsskolen Fyn, Odense, Denmark
- Huntsville Obedience Training Club, Huntsville, AL
- Indiana Canine Assistance Network, Indianapolis, IN
- Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis IN
- Institute for the Blind, Bloomington, IN
- Institute of Modern Dog Trainers, Australia (IMDT)
- Institute of Modern Dog Trainers UK (IMDT)
- International Assoc. of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)
- International Association of Giraffe Care Professionals
- International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA)
- Japan Sea Life Park, Awaji, Japan
- Kolmarden Djurpark, Kolmarden, Sweden
- Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester, MI
- Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, IL
- Lisbon Zoo, Portugal
- Loyola University, Chicago, IL
- Marine Animal Productions, Gulfport, MS
- Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne, Australia
- Mirage Dolphin Habitat, Las Vegas, NV
- Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, MN
- Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
- Montreal Biodome, Montreal, Canada
- Moorea Dolphin Center, French Polynesia
- Narnia Pet Behavior & Training, Plainfield, IL
- National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA)
- National Aquarium of Cuba, Havana, Cuba
- Naud Orangutans, Las Vegas, NV
- New York Zoological Society, New York, NY
- Noble Beast Dog Training, Denver, CO
- Norden's Ark, Sweden
- Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Ocean Action, Galveston, TX
- Ocean Park, Hong Kong
- Oceans of Fun, Milwaukee, WI
- Ocean Safari, South Padre Island, TX
- Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, Columbus, OH
- Oklahoma City Zoo, Oklahoma City, OK
- P&G Pet Care, Lewisburg, OH
- Pets for Vets, various locations, USA
- Philadelphia Zoo, Philadelphia, PA
- Phi Theta Kappa, St. Louis, MO
- Planckendael Wild Animal Park, Belgium
- Positive Animal Solutions, UK
- Positive Dog Training, Dublin, Ireland
- Prague Dog Sports Academy, Prague, Czech Republic
- Professional Animal Behavior Associates, Guelph, ON, Canada
- PuppyWorks, New York
- Quebec Aquarium, Quebec City, Canada
- Reino Aventura, Mexico City, Mexico
- RESAR: Search and Rescue Dogs, IL
- Russian Consortium - Anapa & Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia
- SAIC (U.S. Naval contractors)
- San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
- Sea-Arama Marineworld, Galveston, TX
- Search & Rescue International
- Sea World Gold Coast, Australia
- Sea World at U-Shaka, Durban, South Africa
- Service Dogs of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL
- Six Flags Entertainment
- Society for Veterinary Behavior Technicians (SVBT)
- SPCA-LA, Los Angeles, CA
- Taronga Zoo, Australia
- Texas Hearing & Service Dogs, Austin, TX
- The Dogue Shop, Montreal, Canada
- Tiertraining Akademie, Emsdetten, Germany
- Toronto Zoo, Canada
- UK Botanical Society Butterfly Project, London, UK
- University of Illinois Veterinary School
- University of North Texas, ORCA, Denton, TX
- University of Southern Denmark
- University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
- USDA (U.S Dept. of Agriculture – APHIS Inspectors)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Valencia Aquarium, Venezuela
- Via Delphi, Cancun, Mexico
- Virginia Marine Science Museum, Virginia Beach, VA
- Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, United Kingdom
- WATA (World Animal Training Association), Remini, Italy
- Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
- Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- Wisconsin Humane Society, Milwaukee, WI
- Wisconsin Veterinary Technician Association (WVTA)
- Zambia National Park Service, Lusaka, Zambia
- Zoos Victoria, Australia