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Mew-sic to Our Ears: Karen Pryor Speaks at UVHS

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Mew-sic to our ears: Karen Pryor returns to celebrate all that makes cats unique… and uniquely trainable Internationally Renowned Animal Behaviorist Karen Pryor helped UVHS Celebrate Adopt a Shelter Cat Month in June by presenting a workshop "Individualizing Cat Care: Helping Cats Feel Special."

Pryor a founder of clicker training and an animal behaviorist with an international reputation as a pioneer and leader in the field of punishment-free animal training, presented the workshop to workers from animal shelters throughout New England. Seminar contributors included participants from UVHS, Burlington, and Central Vermont animal shelters. Sandy Montrose, the ASPCA regional director, as well as Joanne Barbeau, New England regional director for the Humane Society of the United States also attended the day long workshop.

Pryor, who considers UVHS to be the national model of how an animal shelter can successfully incorporate training and enrichment into the lives of animals, covered temperament testing, housing methods, stress management, enrichment and clicker training for cats in the shelter environment.

"It was great to welcome Karen back to the Upper Valley," says Mary Taylor, UVHS Director of Human Resources & Programs. "And with June designated as Adopt a Shelter Cat month by the ASPCA, we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than to help advance solid, quality care for shelter cars across the region."

Reprint from the September 2003 Upper Valley Human Society Newletter

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