Fifteen Tips for Getting Started with the Clicker
Clicker training is a terrific, science-based way to communicate with your pet. You can clicker train any kind of animal, of any age. Puppies love it. Old dogs

Running with Your Dog: Wagging Tails on the Trails
Road warriors If you’re a runner (and even if you aren’t), you may have considered running with your dog. Including your dog in runs can be a great

Training a Steadfast Recall
A recall can save your dog’s life. It can stop her from running in front of a car, or from chasing an animal into the woods. It can

How to Keep Your Dog Calm When the Doorbell Rings
Does this ring a bell? The crowd gathers outside and is tense with anticipation as it makes its way to the paddock (your front porch). The field is

What Squirrel? 10 Techniques for Training with Distractions
For trainers of all skill levels, proofing a behavior for reliability despite strong environmental distractions is one of the most elusive training goals. But hope is on the horizon. Here are 10

How to Teach Your Pet to Target
Picture the possibilities Imagine teaching your dog to put his hind feet—just his hind feet—on a mat. Or, imagine teaching your cat to give a high-five. What if

Meet Your Match: Ten Tips for Choosing a Shelter Dog
There are many dogs in shelters and rescue organizations that will make wonderful lifelong companions. So how do you find the best match for you and your family?

5 Steps to Train Your Dog to “Go to Place”
What if instead of jumping around when the doorbell rings, your dog waits politely in a down position? Or, instead of circling the dinner table like a shark,

How to Prevent Door-Dashing
Run toward the sun In busy families, the front door seems to be in perpetual motion, constantly revolving and providing myriad opportunities for escape. Friends and clients who

New Puppy? What to Focus on First!
What a difference a day makes You and your little four-legged bundle of joy arrive home. 24 hours later you begin to question your sanity, wondering what has