To Crate or Not To Crate?
If a dog is taught through positive reinforcement to love the crate, the crate becomes his own private and safe place, much like a bedroom for a child. The crate

What to Expect: Introducing a Puppy to Your Adult Dogs
Sibling rivalry Getting a new puppy is exciting—at least for the humans in the family. Sometimes, however, the dog of the house doesn’t think the pup is a

How to Potty Train Your Puppy the Clicker Way
Potty Problems? Are you having trouble teaching your puppy (or even your adult dog) appropriate elimination behaviors? Don’t despair. There’s an excellent chance that your dog can be

How to Put an End to Counter-Surfing
A new trick Many dog guardians complain that their dogs steal food from kitchen counters or even the dinner table. A term was even coined to describe this behavior:

Overly Excited Greetings: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Howdy When someone mentions a “spaghetti western,” the mental picture is of an actor’s lips moving out of sync with the words coming from the film’s audio sound.

How to Prevent Door-Dashing
Run toward the sun In busy families, the front door seems to be in perpetual motion, constantly revolving and providing myriad opportunities for escape. Friends and clients who

New Puppy? What to Focus on First!
What a difference a day makes You and your little four-legged bundle of joy arrive home. 24 hours later you begin to question your sanity, wondering what has

Are We There Yet? How to Ease Your Pet’s Travel Anxiety
Travel trouble With many pet-friendly resorts, parks, and other destinations available, you may consider fun outings with your furry friend. But what can you do if your pooch

Don’t Socialize the Dog!
Really? That title is a typo, right? A professional dog trainer would never advocate against socialization, would she? Well, maybe! The problem isn’t with socialization itself, but with

How to Teach Loose-Leash Walking
Oh, my aching arm Get your dog to walk without pulling! But how? We are masters at allowing our dogs to drag us down the street. The most