Energetic, Anxious, or Reactive Dog? Try the Calm-O-Meter Method
Recognize your dog? Do you have an excitable, active, or reactive dog? Does one or more of the following phrases describe your dog? Wishful thinking Wouldn’t it be

Meet Your Match: Ten Tips for Choosing a Shelter Dog
There are many dogs in shelters and rescue organizations that will make wonderful lifelong companions. So how do you find the best match for you and your family?

How to Stop Unwanted Barking
Your barking dog Dogs bark for a number of reasons, some acceptable, some not. Common types of barking include the following: Evaluate the situation When you deal with

Overly Excited Greetings: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Howdy When someone mentions a “spaghetti western,” the mental picture is of an actor’s lips moving out of sync with the words coming from the film’s audio sound.

Muzzles—Not Just for Aggression!
Times are changing For many people, the idea of a muzzle evokes a long-standing association with aggressive dogs. That impression can create feelings of fear and worry when