Home » dog in danger

sometimes pure luck saves us

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Woke up this morning to a scary but welcome sight. My young dog (8months) had, erhm, well, regurgitated on the floor. yuck? yes; but why a welcome sight? Because the contents of the puddle was a very wet, yucky, slimy, disgusting dishcloth! 

She must have snatched it from the bathroom yesterday evening. I had put it on top of the hamper, not inside, because it was wet, and it will be a day or two before I have enough white to run a wash.

 I never noticed it was gone, but I am incredibly grateful that she got it up again...

So I spent the morning doggie-securing the house, and lecturing the family about not leaving ANYTHING anywhere where she can get at it.

Even when the dog is 30 kg and looks adult, it is still a puppy. Remember to check yourself and your house - do you have unsafe habits, like leaving dishcloths and socks inside doggie reach?


trainer@caninesinaction.com's picture


I think some dogs can smell ANY food on a dishcloth (from dishes, or from foody hands touching cloth) and assume it's food. This seems to be an especial thing with retrievers, but I'm not sure if that's a real breed trait or just that they're so popular as a breed that they are responsible for a bigger portion of the stories.

Glad she brought it up again! And good that you're an experienced enough owner/trainer (and veterinary medical person) to handle a dishcloth-eating dog. Silly puppies! I worry about a lot of those adolescents with inexperienced households.

I wonder, did the dishcloth go into the washer or the trash? :-)

Laura &

  • Ascomannis Laevatein YTT RL1 CD-H CGC (www.clickertraining.com/blog/179)
  • Inky (couch dog!)

yes whew about covers my reaction

hehehe - I do have a rule about not operating on my own animals. Had to do it in an emergency once on my own kitty... I was in a state you wouldn't believe, although it was a simple enough cut-and-sew - thing. And since then I have moved from clinical to working for the goverment in the animal-health-unit, so I am definitely going to let a colleague have the honor if it ever becomes necessary (knock on wood)

I usually joke that for retrievers it goes something like "1) does it move? or 2) is it biological material?" "if you can answer yes to either 1) or 2) then eat it"

It went in the trash. ;o) It was really really yucky...


Hi Jenny

She's a chesapeake...will pick up and carry anything not nailed down... but the chewing is not something we have ahd problems with in our other dogs of the breed.
We always keep a selection of chew-things around, we rotate things, so there is always something "new" and interesting. She just seem to find any kind of fabric irresistible...on the bright side: three teddy ears gone, and now the kids are very good at putting their toys away ;o) And now mum and dad are learning to put their things away too.. hehehe