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2010 B.F. Skinner Scholarships Available for Karen Pryor Academy

Waltham, MA, January 12, 2010—Karen Pryor Academy announces the immediate availability of B.F. Skinner Memorial scholarships to Karen Pryor Academy’s Dog Trainer Program. The scholarships, each in the amount of $300, honor and celebrate the life and work of B.F. Skinner, and coincide with the 20th anniversary of the B.F. Skinner Foundation.

“The Foundation supports the basic science underlying humane educational practices from Autism to Zoology,” said Skinner Foundation president Julie Vargas. “Karen Pryor's Dog Trainer Program is a fine example of those humane and effective practices. The Foundation is pleased to join with the Academy in furthering the positive-only training made possible by practitioners in the dog-training world.”

For the 2010 calendar year, there are fifty $300 scholarships available for the KPA Dog Trainer Program commencing between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010. Scholarships will be awarded to individuals accepted into the Academy's Dog Trainer Program on a first-come, first-served basis, although the Academy reserves the right to limit awards in a particular location in order to help create geographic diversity. Applicants will be notified of scholarship awards along with their acceptance to the Academy. Note that students receiving other sources of financial aid are not eligible for these scholarships. Scholarships cannot be applied to the International edition of the Dog Trainer Program.

The Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Program serves students who are looking for education and certification from world-renowned trainer, author, and behavioral biologist Karen Pryor, a pioneer of force-free training technology. The program combines the convenience of online learning with hands-on teaching from a top-notch faculty. Students receive intensive training in the force-free techniques needed to teach both animals and their human caregivers, and are offered access to business training, curriculum plans, and instruction programs as well.

With teaching locations in the US and Canada (CA, IN, LA, MA, MD, NM, NY, OR, TX, WA, Calgary, and Ottawa), already the school has graduated more than 150 Certified Training Partners who participate in a unique program that introduces their services to pet owners and veterinary professionals. Karen Pryor Academy is the only non-franchised dog trainer school in the country with national reach and teaching locations from coast to coast.  For more information on Karen Pryor Academy, visit www.karenpryoracademy.com.

Julie Gordon
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK

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