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KPCT Accepting Submissions for Canis Film Festival Video Contest

Over $500 in cash prizes and a video contract await the producers of top videos that showcase innovative and informative animal training featuring positive training methods. Everyone can qualify for entry, provided that each demonstrated trick or feat is achieved through force-free training methods, and submissions can feature any species.

Podcast: Karen Reads Fish Training Selections from Reaching the Animal Mind

You'll enjoy listening to Karen's own podcast (available at the bottom of this page)—audio selections from her latest book, Reaching the Animal Mind. In this podcast, Karen talks about training a fish to go through a hoop. Karen describes obstacles she encountered and overcame, as well as basic behaviors that she observed. To read more from Reaching the Animal Mind, order your copy today!

Summer Fun

I've always been interested in play. Science doesn't explain it very well, or it's explained as something young animals do to practice future skills. But that definition doesn't cover every kind of play, and it doesn't explain why it's so much fun, so reinforcing in itself.

Stepping on the Food: A Memo from Karen

You're training "leave it." You drop a bit of food, the dog lunges toward it, and you cover it with your foot. Are you just managing the environment, or is this negative punishment, taking away something desired?

The Sea Food Circus: Training Fish

Are fish trainable? And if they are, why bother?