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Cues and Cueing

The Poisoned Cue: Positive and Negative Discriminative Stimuli

Why clicking and correction don't mix.

Behavior analysts refer to a learned stimulus that triggers an operant behavior as a 'discriminative stimulus.' The behaviorists do not, as far as I know, differentiate between a discriminative stimulus that was trained through positive reinforcement and one that was trained through negative reinforcement.

Click to Be Fit: Fun Canine Fitness Training

Want to try some fun and games?

How to Put an End to Counter-Surfing

Many dog owners complain that their dogs steal food from kitchen counters or even the dinner table. A new term was even coined to describe this behavior: counter-surfing. If you're tired of losing your dinner to a sneaky pooch every time you turn your back, here's what you can do about it.

What to Do When Your Dog Loses His Cue: Training Outdoors with Distractions

Please come

 “He only does what I ask when he wants to. It’s really hit or miss.”

Ignorance Is Bliss: Real-World Use of Modifiers with a Search & Rescue Dog

A search-and-rescue start