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Out of the mouths of babes.... Funny labels.

Kilo the joker

Now, I won't anthropomorphize too much here and I won't try to tell you what Kilo is feeling or why he does this - but this is his behavior.  He appears to be making a joke!

Phrasing your speech when teaching a parrot to talk

When teaching a parrot to talk, you have to teach them to say what you want to hear them say.  Think about what you will hear.

Category: Things a Parrot might say...

Last night, we had a great time with him starting to eat gently from my hand and sitting with me in my chair and all of a sudden this morning at breakfast we hear, "What does the kitty say?  MEOW!"  When we tested it by replying "Kilo, what does the kitty say?" he replied, "BOW WOW!"