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How to Cure a Cat-Chasing Dog

When I brought Mimi the Burmese home at the age of 12 weeks I was quite worried about my older dog. I felt sure that my young poodle, Misha, and the new kitten would rapidly become friends and playmates (which they did). However Twitchett, a 9-year-old border terrier, represented a serious threat. In fact, one senior animal behaviorist had e-mailed me advising that I rethink my plan of getting a kitten.

Click Your Cat to Better Behavior!

Don’t believe everything you hear about cats!

 Myths and legends have been spun around cats ever since people started sharing their world with them.

Karen Pryor Shares Cat Training Tips In All Animals Magazine

Karen offers cat clicker training tips in the May/June 2011 issue of the Humane Society's All Animals Magazine in an article entitled "It All Clicks Together: Clicker Training Can Keep Your Cat on Good Behavior."

Podcast: Karen Reads Animal Attachment Selections from Reaching the Animal Mind

You’ll enjoy listening to Karen’s own podcast (available at the bottom of this page) – audio selections about animal attachments from her latest book, Reaching the Animal Mind.

Teach Your Cat to Play Piano

It's easy to teach a cat to play the piano; I've often done it in other people's houses, with their cat, as a sort of after-dinner amusement. Here's how.