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Training Multiple Behaviors and their Cues

An e-mail exchange between Karen Pryor and Richard Orser:

Richard: If you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask a question: If I am reinforcing several behaviors (by clicking/treat) e.g., sit, sit/stay, & come, I am making these behaviors more likely to occur when I am around the puppy (10 weeks old). But, then I have to further shape each behavior to occur only when I present a certain hand or verbal signal (a different one for each behavior).

Grieving from September 11

We are all still shocked and grieving from September 11, an experience so unprecedented that no name or phrase seems to fit; we are left with the date alone to describe it. I'd like to thank the many, many overseas clicker trainers and associates who emailed us at clickertraining.com to express their distress and sympathy at this national horrific event. Whether or not we lost a friend or family member, every American grieves.

PetCo Stores Love Clicker Training

I have just come back from PetCo's huge vendor convention in Long Beach, California.
Sunshine Books president, aaron [at] clickertraining [dot] com (Aaron Clayton), and I met and talked with management from the 540 PetCo stores across the US, and from Canada's Petcetera chain. They are intrigued by clicker training. Our dog kits are selling well, and many of the managers told us they wanted to carry cat kits and replacement clickers as well. Some of the in-store trainers are already into clicker training. We were impressed by the enthusiastic response we got, and by the forward-looking, open attitude of upper management. This big operation represents a wonderful opportunity to widen the grass-roots base of clicker training.

Clicker for Veterinary Students: Experimental Tufts Class

My name is Emma Parsons and I am the Training Director here at Sunshine Books, Inc. I have just finished teaching a six-week clicker training course at the Tufts Veterinary School of Medicine in North Grafton, MA. Nine students attended, mostly first and second year veterinary students. A master's degree student and a practicing veterinarian also joined us as well.

Learning by Observation: Across Species

From Aidan Bindoff: Most of you would be aware that the golden retriever excells in obedience, tracking, retrieving etc. This all-purpose dog is well known for its intelligence and ability to obey instruction, and cats are well known for their ability to lie around all day and look pretty, right?