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The Training Table - for parrots

Filed in - parrot - equipment

Training takes place in several places - sometimes on the hand, sometimes in a cage, sometimes on a perch, I have heard of training in a bathtub (though I am not sure about how good an idea that is yet), and sometimes on a table.

The table is used for parrot training when you are using props: things like roller skates or tiny shopping carts.  The parrot wants to be up high and in order to do some training, you need a flat surface with no perches to climb up on becuase he isn't going to ride a scooter across a perch.  So I needed a table.

The table I needed was:

  • about 24"x36"
  • had a washable surface for easy cleaning
  • had a 1-1/2" lip aropund the edge so things (like tiny basketballs) don't roll off
  • light weight so that I can carry it around
  • had foldable legs so that it could be easily transported
  • brightly colored (just because)
  • non-toxic if eaten
  • comfortable 30" height
  • comfortable handle for carrying

I finished building it last night.  It is bright orange.  It has yellow, red, blue, and green edges (to allow for teaching the parrot to take things to a specific color).  The legs fold completely up inside the 3" bottom lip.  It is light enough to easily carry.  It has rubber feet on one edge for standing on when it is folded up.  It looks good and it is just the right size.

I will let you know how Coco likes it.