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In the beginning...

Filed in - clicker training - Dogs

So I'm about to try clicker training myself for the first time. I have five dogs, two of which are very rambunctious and desperately need training. I was raised with cats so dogs are a relatively new thing for me, but I've always wanted dogs and want to raise and train them right. While all of my dogs will benefit from training, two of them in particular are in greater need of it. They are younger, wilder and larger, and unlike the other three they tend to engage in negative behaviors such as jumping on people and chewing things that aren't theirs. So I've got my work cut out for me!

good luck

I just rescued my first dog about 2 months ago, and have found clicker training to be amazingly successful. I've used it to do the traditional sit, down, stay style of testing, but have found it to be especially useful in some more difficult negative behaviors. Within about a week of starting the training, she was running to her crate when I gave her the 'crate-time' command when before she refused to go in her crate at all, and to get in the car when I gave her the 'car-ride' command when before I would have to drag her into the back seat.
