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My pony decides on her own target

Dancer is my mini-Shetland cross pony (39" high) who I've owned for about 4 years. Last year, due to a farmhand playing with her feet, Dancer became resistant to having her feet handled. I used clicker training to re-teach having her hooves handled. Recently, I've returned to CT work with her and the day before I had gone back to teaching her to look away to stop her treat mugging and in touching a target.

Today, while Dancer was being trimmed by the farrier, I had my clicker ready to remind her about her feet but during the trim, Dancer decided that she would target the farrier's toolbox! The farrier's toolbox was located on the oppostie side of where I was standing, so each time she touched it she had to move her head away from me. I decided I would reinforce that behavior with the clicker because it kept her occupied while also reminding her not to nibble my shirt or reach for my pocket where treats were stored.

The job got done in no time and Dancer learned a little bit more too. It was a good little session!Smile

My websites ~ www.EQenlighten.com & www.PonyPartners.com

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establishing a relationship

i goofed and needed to delete this and move it elsewhere