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Dog barks at people in our home

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I have a 2 1/2 year old border collie/retriever mix female who barks at people who come into our home.  It doesn't matter if they are friends or workers.  She will settle down in about 5 minutes, but if the people get up and move around, the barking starts all over again.  I have anxiety about this because I'm afraid she'll bite someone (she never has) or we are making our guests fearful of her.

This is what I have tried so far; I have her on leash until the barking stops, and then I allow her to sniff our guests and I request that the guests do not look at her or touch her during this time.  Or we have Lily outside for the first 15 to 20 minutes and then she can come in.  I wait until I see Lily's body language calm down before allowing someone to pet her.  However, that's another problem.  Almost everyone wants to look at her, talk to her or try to touch her while she is barking.  I need to train my guests too.

We are having another couple over for dinner next Saturday and I'm worried about Lily's behavior.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  She is clicker trained and does know basic commands. 

Should I leash also?

I have the same problem. Mine is a 4 year old ShiTzu. When he sees people on the driveway he runs to the door, barks and jumps on the door till we open it , we grab and kennel him sometimes if he doesn't know them he is barking bad. Right now we are practicing door knocking, sitting in a spot close to the door, click, and treating him. So far it has just been family sooooo we hope he has this down pat for when someone he doesn't know or seen in a while comes over. We went to a doggy park today for the first time. He did wonderful. sniffed a few dogs, let 2 people touch him for a second, but no barking. So being outside with stangers is ok off the leash like at the doggy park, its just at home or walking down the road in our neighborhood he barks bad. Any suggestions?

Sorry, I just saw this now!

Sorry, I just saw this now! I would keep her on leash so I can manage where she is, and also keep her on a Gentle Leader. Pairing this management with the techniques in "Click To Calm" and "Control Unleashed" I think you will see a rapid improvement.


I am a huge fan of both

I am a huge fan of both Emma Parsons "Click To Calm" work and Leslie McDevitt's "Control Unleashed". I think either (but preferrably both) of these books would be immensely helpful to you.

Also, have you ever tried setting her up behind a baby gate with a well stuffed stuffed frozen Kong? If I am expecting company I try to have Kongs ready to go in the freezer so as soon as the guests touch the door knob, the Kongs go in the dogs mouths! They are torn at first, "Oh, guest or food?" but the food always wins out for them! By the time they are done with their Kongs, the guests are settled, it is less exciting and the dogs have been relaxing alongside them for some time. They also are pretty tired if you can stuff a Kong well! :)


Good idea

Thanks Jessica. That's a good idea. Do you have any suggestions about her barking when people get up to move around?