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New pup in the house

Filed in - dominance - two dogs

I have a mini-dachshund that is about ten months old.  Then my wife bought me a golden pup for Christmas.  The pup is already bigger than the dachshund, and they wrestle all the time.  My wife and my girls want the dachshund to be allowed on the couch with them.  Is this ok, or does it set up the dogs for a dominance problem?  Also, should we let them wrestle or stop that because the golden will soon be quite large? 

Laurie Luck's picture

New pup in the house

How exciting - two young dogs in the house! It sounds like they are good doggie-friends if they are mutually engaging each other. Keep an eye on the playing as the Golden gets larger - sometimes dogs don't realize that they're growing! However, I've seen very large dogs (160-pound Great Dane) play with very small dogs (a mini-dachshund puppy) very appropriately and both dogs were having fun. You'll want to monitor the play and remember to give them frequent breaks if it seems that the play is getting out of hand.

It will be easier if the rules are consistent for both dogs: either they're both allowed on the couch or they're both taught to lay in their cushy dog beds on the floor. Our four dogs like to cuddle together in a giant dog bed. They actually seek out each other's company and seem to very much enjoy laying closely and "snuggling."

Hopefully, the two dogs will be terrific company for each other and will have lots of fun playing with and learning from each other! With two dogs in the house, it's even more important to get both dogs into a clicker-training dog class. Good manners are great for any dog, but with TWO dogs in the house, they're essential! It will make your life, as well as theirs, much more enjoyable!

Thanks for the question,

Laurie Luck
For Clickertraining.com
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
See my profile and contact information at

Allowing dogs on the

Allowing dogs on the furniture does not always mean you are setting up for a dominance problem. Dogs on the furniture is a personal choice, and if you and your wife agree it should not be a problem. In our house, we allow the dogs on the furniture, with permission. The dogs sit before getting an invite because we have a young baby, and often eat on the couch. As far as the wrestling goes, it is healthy normal play. Obviously if it is getting to rough you may want to settle your dogs with a stuffed kong. Also remember that dachshunds are prone to back problems, and you might want to interrupt when your golden jumps or paws the back.

Dog on furniture

I do not want my Border Collie on my new leather sectional.  She has been ok for a few months but now I come out in the a.m. and find her jumping off of it.  How can I train her to stay off furniture w/o smacking her?

Laurie Luck's picture

Dog on furniture

Smacking your dog won't teach her to stay off the sofa. It will, however, teach her to get off before you see her. Dogs have more of a "safe/not safe" outlook on things rather than a "right/wrong." She doesn't get in trouble when she gets on the sofa, only when you SEE her on the sofa, therefore it's YOU that she perceives as the key to this situation, not the sofa. Because if you're not there, she can sleep very comfortably on the sofa ... UNTIL... you show up. So in her mind, it's you, not the sofa, that is the thing to keep an eye on.

To help keep her off the sofa, restrict her access to that room when you're not there to watch her. You can use a baby gate or a crate to contain her so she's not able to get on the sofa. Also, you can find her a really cushy, soft bed and reward her very heavily for laying in the bed INSTEAD of on the couch, remembering to restrict her access to the sofa (but keep her bed present) when you can't be there to keep her off the sofa.

I hope this helps!
Laurie Luck
For Clickertraining.com
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
See my profile and contact information at