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I just felt it was worth posting this again.

I hate being in disagreement with people who are trying to help me.  I'm not trying to be unreasonable, and I'm not trying to be rude; I'm trying to do something I want to do.  I know it's different than what they want, and sometimes I think that others think I'm judging them because I'm doing something different.  But the truth is, I'm trying something here.  I've never said I'm an expert -- heck, I just said I don't have the map!  But that doesn't mean I can't try, right?

More, I have an ideal.  I refuse to be the lesser of two evils -- if I have to force my dog to work with me, then it's no longer a game I'm interested in.  If Laev heels or downs because it's that "or die," then I've lost sight of the reason I got a dog in the first place.  We're a team; we'll get through this together.