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Kudos for Clicker Training for Cats

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Kathy wrote:

I work on clicker training with our dogs and horses. Pretty new at it but having fun and telling lots of people about it.

My 14-year old daughter has taught her kitten to play the piano, moonwalk, weave in and out of poles, climb a ladder, and he is now learning to ride a skateboard! they are becoming the fast friends she'd hoped - and more.

Cathy Hurley Zimmer wrote:

To: Karen Pryor
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: Customer feedback on order clickerpets-
Hi Karen,
It's been going quite well. I am also on the emailing list. Our 2yr old Pyrate has been the most responsive. He's shaking hands, high fiving, beg position, Up, Down - and I got him to jump over an obstacle last night! Thanks for this great book.

> Karen Pryor wrote:
> Thanks for your comments! Let us know how things go with your cat!
> Karen Pryor
> ----- Original Message -----
> Subject: Customer feedback on order clickerpets-
> > Comments:
> > I can't wait to clicker train our cat!

Get the Cat to Catch On
Denise Flaim

December 11, 2001

NO SELF-RESPECTING cat would stoop so low as to do tricks on command - unless there was something in it for her. That's the concept behind clicker training - what scientists stuffily call "operant conditioning" - in which the cat actually thinks she's calling the shots. With a "click and treat" approach, you can teach your kitty to come when called, walk on a leash, and maybe even do a parlor trick or two. (Hey, if it works for the dolphins at Sea World, it'll work on Fluffy ) This cat-training clicker kit contains a book, instruction guide, treats and two clickers. Available for $16.95 from www.clickertraining .com or call 800-47- CLICK.
Copyright © 2001, Newsday, Inc.

About the author
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Karen Pryor is the founder and CEO of Karen Pryor Clicker Training and Karen Pryor Academy. She is the author of many books, including Don't Shoot the Dog and Reaching the Animal Mind. Learn more about Karen Pryor or read Karen's Letters online.

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