Very First Entry

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As a CDT I enjoy helping owners and their dogs to build a better relationship.  I share my home with 4 dogs and I work hard everyday to make sure that everyone is happy and healthy.  Unfortunately I am finding out that no matter how well trained I think they are, they just aren’t.  I am familiar with clicker training and only one of my pack members has been trained with a clicker.  Zeus, who is the dog I’m referring to, has been to obedience, agility and has also assisted with socializing other dogs and is a great example of a well behaved dog.  The others have had no classes and are not as well behaved as Zeus, but they do listen….to me….other people? Not so much.

I’m hoping that my continuing education of clicker training will help me with the other three dogs.  I would love to be able to get them to listen to other people with out me having to intervene and raise my voice to them.  The dogs listen because they have to, not because they want to.  Clicker training is so much more positive and it seems like it builds a bond between a person and dog, I need that with mine, they need it as well.  So, I am on a “Clicker Quest” beginning now.  I hope that I can regularly blog about it and share my experiences with everyone else, wish me luck!


vi assistance dogs's picture

Good for you on this

Good for you on this journaey! It will be a fun one!

If you are looking for an awesome free training program check out Sue Ailsby's online Clicker training Levels.

It teaches you as you teach your dog. By level 3, you have awell-behaved house dog and know how to train any behavior yuo can dream up. By level 5, your dog is almost ready for competition in several sports!

Have fun!