Ralphie's first trick: turn off the lights

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Hi all, 

This is my first blog entry, so happy to have discovered clicker training! I am currently beginning clicker training with my 2 year old 8lb rescue dog and my 12 year old cat. I feel so excited to have found these tools! 

Here is alink to a video of Ralphie's first trick, turning on and off the lights


Also, I am curious to know if most people train every day or do they take breaks? I feel like Ralphie is frustrated when he doesn't get his training, but sometimes I need to take a day off and regroup!

2ForBlue's picture

Yay Ralphie! (What an

Yay Ralphie! (What an adorable little guy you've got there) 

Personally I incorporate small training sessions daily (more or less) and it's actually how I feed my dogs most of their food - doesn't take much time for me, and keeps them mentally happy. I more or less plan out what I'd like to work on in a small note book and take a peek at what I'd like to accomplish (and sometimes I don't and we just free shape for a bit just to keep them on their toes :)

Mind you working with them almost daily is just as much for me as it is for them :) 

littledoginabigworld's picture

Thanks for great suggestion!

A notebook is a great idea. I've had a list of skills with a check for each time I work on them but I realize that doesn't break down the pieces enough. Although I love clicker training (so sad I never learned this with my last very timid dog) I'm not a natural at breaking down the elements or getting the sequence of things right. For example, I've taught Ralphie the name of toys but not to bring them to me. Now what? But I'm going to set up a notebook with a page for each of the areas we're working on and sees if that helps me keep up with Ralphie :)