I planned to bring him home after Christmas - but that plan changed. I went and visited him on Sunday - and again on Monday. He seemed more and more stressed by the amount of activity and living with 20 other birds at the store and Karen agreed to let me pick him up on Tuesday. My cage iwasn't here yet so she loaned me one with everything I need until it gets here; I just bought food and paid the adoption.
Normally, I think there is a bit more of a waiting period for new owners; the birds need to get to know you and you need to make sure a bird is right for you and you need to learn to care for the bird and all that takes a while - but in my case, I am reading the parrot owners textbook that everyone says is a must for serious parrot owners and everything else I can get my hands on and the parrot is just so obviously meant to be with me. He will be happier at home so why wait any longer.
I brought him home last night - he was nervous and didn't eat much, but he did let me take him out a few times to be out of the cage. He slept quietly in the morning he was much more active. When I put my hand in the cage, he immediately jumped onto my finger so that I would take him out.
Coco is home.