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My son learned this from having a dog

Filed in - Dogs

One day, when my son was 9, he says, "Having a dog has changed the way I am with my friends. I used to just do what they wanted even if I didn't want to. But now, I let them know what I want to do and if they want to do something else then I just decide if I am going to do it or not. Sometimes I don't do what they want – sometimes I do because I don't have to have my own way all the time. And it is best for me to decide what I am going to do even if it is their idea."

My son learned that from having a dog. He is quite the young dog trainer. He understands that he and the dog work together on behavior. He has influence over the dog, but not control. Sometimes the dog does what my son wants and sometimes the dog does what the dog wants and sometimes my son does what the dog wants. The dog has influence, but not control.

I would make an analogy to man and God, but there would be too many explanations and disclaimers and discussions of sovereignty and predestination and stuff. You can think about it if you like.