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Coco's first visit to the Vet

Filed in - parrot - Veterinarian

We went to the vet today.  Neither of us had ever been before.  At least as far as I know...I had never been to this vet before anyway.  It was a big office with a big waiting room - I think there are 10 doctors or so.  Two of them are avian vets.

We went in and the assistant had me put Coco in a pot with a lid on it to be weighed.  Coco didn't like it much, but when he was done, I held him and he was fine.  Then the doc came in.  Apparently, he is actually allergic to birds.  He was covered from head to toe and wearing a mask, but he was very personable and was not in a rush.  He talked to me about birds and training and nutrition and behavior and played with Coco - and then wrapped him in a small towel.  Coco didn't like it much, but when he was done, I held him and he was fine.

The checkup went well - no problems.  Coco is probably about 9 months old, just like we though.  He didn't have a microchip, so we had one installed (it doesn't actually give you any control functions, just identification).  Coco REALLY didn't like that at all - but afterward, the doctor let him play and he was fine.  We got a nice wing clip and went home.

I liked the doctor - Coco was happy to be going home with me.