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That "ah-ha!" moment

Filed in - ah-ha! - I get it - clicking

Is there anything better, as a clicker trainer, than watching an animal have that "I GET IT!"  moment? It's such a beautiful thing because now I am like Dr. Doolittle and I know what the animal wants and he knows how to make me give it to him. 


I've been working on "tug" with my dog for...gah. Who knows how long? And all I could get him to do was put the toy in his mouth. He wouldn't clench down on it--he just kind of hung it on his bottom jaw. A very wise trainer on a doggie forum suggested I click for the CLOSING action of the jaws and in just a couple of minutes I have him tugging back a step! It's one step but I couldn't be more thrilled. And he totally gets it. I saw his eyes light up like "OHHHH you want me to HOLD onto the toy!" and that was all it took.


I could have cried watching his little face light up with happiness.