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Dory Training Part 5

Filed in - fish - betta - target

    I'm thrilled about the interest in my fish blog Laughing I don't have any pictures right no, but I may take some later and update.

    I went to my local store (where I found Dory) and told him about the problem with the filter. He recommended getting a different filter, one that's meant for a tank 3 gallons or under. So I got this one:


    It's a different style of filter called an "in-tank filter". Basically that means that the filter itself is in the tank (wow, really, Lulu?) instead of hanging on the tank wall. It's supposed to create a gentler current, and because it's "too" small, it will make a very slow current in my 10 gallon tank. It uses an air pump to make bubbles through a tube that force water through the filter medium. The only negatives about this filter are that the air pump makes a kind of vibrating noise and vibrates if placed on a hard surface (it's on the woven place mat that's under my tank which absorbs the vibrating), and because I do not have a high shelf near the tank, I will need to get a safety feature called a "check valve," to prevent water from going backwards through the tubing in case of a power failure. That would be bad. I am learning a lot through this experience...just goes to show you that you can't just read a book and check out some websites and expect to be ready...

    Well, Dory loves his new filter. He was excited when I stuck it to the wall, and bit the tubing with curiosity. He is adorable. He used to stay far away from the filter (when he wasn't "surfing" in it), but this one is so gentle that he swims around it easily and doesn't get pushed by the current. Yay!

    He seems much more relaxed and did his training session very well. I bought him some new treats-freeze dried krill (plankton). Boy do they stink! He loves them though. I have to crumble them up for him because they are pretty big. When he gets a piece that's too big he bites it to get it wet and then lets it sink a bit and then grabs it again.

    I also have a new development in his behavior. Since I installed the new filter yesterday he has been "flaring" all over the place. I'm assuming he is very happy because his colors are very bright and solid (no stripes!!). He went over to the pH monitor and flared at it, flared at the filter, flared at my finger, etc. It was starting to get a little ridiculous, but I think he's OK. I will try and get a photo of it, but it happens very quickly, although sometimes he will hold a flare. I want to get it on cue. Here is a website that has all the different types of betta fins:


According to that site, Dory is a veil tail and "not desirable"...phooey. He's beautiful and I lurve him. The photo of the veil tail example is a picture of a flare. Dory looks much more menacing than that fish, though.

Anyway, there's my update...I didn't talk a lot about training, but I will have more later. Maybe I'll bring the hoop out and get some photos :)
