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Helping Reeva Part 3 - we're getting better and better!

Filed in - LLW - calming down - eye contact

just a short update...


after few days out of town 8and away from my dogs) I got back and after having a pleasant long walk with brix, I took reeva out again. She was really great in the yard, ran around for like 30 seconds after I let her out and she came to me and look at me and walked by me... We went to the street, she was walkling nicely. we didn't make any progress on distance or duration of anything, but, she was able to look at another dog that was some 20 meters away, without barking or even really pulling, showing slight interest but nothing more, and even turn around and look at me like it wa sno big deal. And then she did it again!

A motorcycle passed by, she did bark, a bit. and she got excited, and I was a bit angra at myself for letting that happen, But I told her to lay down and she did and she was still for a while and then we walked a bit and she calmed down! Izt was awesome.

And for a day to be even better, after our training session, a dog walked by while I was opening the door of the house and she wen to the fence, but no barking or running in a frenzy.


I admit, today could've been a total disaster but it wasn't.. I actually think I'll be able to walk her around in a month or so!