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Straightening out diet and treats

I am thrilled finally to have a supplier for Oxbw Bunny Basics/T.  The supplier is For Pete's Sake, a natural foods petstore, in Middletown, or rather, out in the countryside which is denomiated Middletown for Post office purposes.

This is very important. It is not good to change a rabbit's diet frequently, and yet that is precisely what I have had to do lately, as PetsMart would not consistently stock any one quality bunny food brand. Right now I have three different pet foods going, as I try to accustom them to a new brand and also try to use one brand of food as treats: I have to slip that food into them as part of regular food so that they will start to recognize it when it is offered as a reward.  

 The rabbits seem to like their new dried papaya treats, which I have been topping their dinner with.  I gave them papaya as their treat this morning for standing on their hind feet and touching their noses to the target stick. Twice while I inadvertently put the bag on the floor, both Dorcas and Maddie helped themselves by stuffing their faces into the bag. I guess it is a hit as a treat.  

 Right now I am feeling discouraged. It seems like training is a long road.  I had really felt like I was some place when my rabbits would sometimes go over the jump, but I realize they need to do a lot better than that.  It feels like I have taken two steps backward to introduce the target stick. Initially, I was very confident that this was the right thing to do. Now, I wonder. It just seems like such a slow process. I somehow had the notion that my rabbits would start following the target stick around pretty readily.  That's not what is happening. Instead, they will touch their nose to it when they feel like it.  But they seldom want to hop forward to do anything with it, to let the target stick lead them.  That's got me really disappointed.  I think we may be able to clarify this as I take the target stick out with me the next time they are on harness and on the obstacle course. Still, I wish it were easier.  

 I know I shouldn't complain. I am lucky to have the leisure and the inclination to train rabbits.  It's hard to believe that most owners don't train their rabbits. ALready I am spending more time with them and am thankful for that.  I am sure they like the extra attention.  I am just not always sure how much may be too much. As far as I see it, there hasn't been a too much yet.  

 Anyway, like I said, I am thankful to have found a supplier of Oxbow Bunny Basics/T, and when we get the Flemish Giant baby buck, we will be able to order the Bunny 15/23 for growing rabbits.  I am so excited about that. I will have him on growing rabbit food for at least the first 9 months of his life. Probably the first year, actually.