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Success finding training props

Filed in - treats - rabbits - training props

I thought I would try Toys R Us, and indeed, they had what I was looking for for the most part.  I could not find a hoop exactly the size I was looking for. I ended up buying one small hula hoop, which was bigger than I wanted, and one nerf ball basketball hoop set, the hoop for the "basket" being a little small thean what I really wanted.  Then I found "PE cones" which will do the job for the small traffic cones I was looking for. I got all this junk for just under $20, and that includes 8 cones (two sets of four).


I had also been interested in finding treats that were more nutritious.  Somebody on the Rabbit-Agility Yahoo group suggested Crasins. That sounds like a winner. I am going to have to give them a try. That would be so convenient if I could train them to like those so that I could just replenish supplies at the grocery store and not have to do a special trip to the petstore!  Likewise, it will be nice not to be dependent on the way the pet sotres around here stock product for small animals -- they don't seem to be at all consistent, which is not very considerate.