I am very pleasd with my bunnies. They did very well in their in-harness training yesterday. I took them and the jump and my laptop down on the hillside and set up the laptop "iSight" camera to capture the lesson. They did so well. They finally have mastered the notion of jumping over the jump (with the exception of Dorcas, who still wonders if jumping THROUGH the jump is an option). ANyway, I posted the video, edited and set to a Scott Joplin rag, on YouTube:
I hope you get a chance to watch it and can give me some feedback. I think I need to put another set of nails to hold an additional bar into the jump so that Dorcas won't be tempted to jump through it. I am just really pleased that Jemimah did not balk when I increased the jump height and that all three rabbits were so enthusiastic about hopping over/through the jump. They seemed to understand tat this is the object, whereas before they wondered quite a bit.