So I went out and bought some lovely roast chicken and cut it into very small pieces - about 0.5 cm square or smaller. I held out a pencil for him as a target. Charlie already understands that when he hears a click he needs to start looking on the floor for food. We did loads. In the end he was following the pencil across the floor a few feet and patting the end with his paw. I think he would have carried on for ages. We ended up doing 2 sessions in the day. I forgot to give him a session with his harness on - so he's got it on this morning - very little fighting with it now. Think I will try to get him to come relibly to his name. Might also try the high five thing. I managed to get Whiskers to shake hands on cue and he was an old, ill cat, not very motivated by food - love him. Charlie is snoozing on my lap as I write this - aaaah, love him too.
Real training begins
By K8 on 07/14/2007