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Vermont Tracking Club TD and TDX test in Danby, Vt 10/14/07

Filed in - tracking - testing
What a perfect day! The temps were cool (ok so it was cold but the dogs thought it great), the tracking conditions PERFECT, the fall scenary drop dead beautiful and the people were all nice.
ALL 5 TD entries passed! and 2 of the 3 TDX entries passed! The one TDX entry that did not pass WILL soon, that dog is a very nice tracker!
A very good time was had by all and being alternate #1 to the TDX was not so bad  even though we did not get to track.
I have to say that the little tiny Cocker that passed the first TDX track was a tribute to the sport. They had a very tough track and on top of that a hunter came out of the woods and walked across two legs of the track just seconds before the team got there and then was actually in the woods just feet from them. He talked to everyone afterwards (intrigued I am sure by the sight of all those cars and people!) and said that at some point this am before we all got there a bear had also crossed that section of the track. This little Cocker was the little dog that could though, and made barely a bobble on the way to a fabulous cheer as the glove was raised over the handler's head at the very top of a hill! What an inspiration!!!
Even my stepdaughter, Stacia,  had a good time, her first time at a tracking event
After lunch (EXCELLENT food and LOTS of it) I brought Annie out to socialize first for the longest time and Bea second, while the silent auction/raffle was being drawn. Annie was so happy with all the laughter and the attention she was getting and even Bea was a social butterfly
Thanks to all that pulled this together!