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Recall on the Beach

Feb. 17, 2008 Los Angeles, CA

After attending her first clicker class (introduction to targeting) a student excitedly called to say she had gone for a walk on the Santa Monica beach with her 2 year old cockapoo. And, for the first time, every time she clicked the clicker, the little white ball of fluff, ears flying, scooted across the sand to her. Surprised

I assume she was reinforcing the dog each time it came. Now all I have to do is get her to put a "cue" in before she clicks, and then give the cue and click when it turns. Maybe even some running backwards to keep the dog excited.

The dog did not seem very focused on the owner during the class; however, it clearly associated the click with the reinforcer and started to participate in the learning. First trial learning, often not taken into account, probably played a part, too.

The owner had what we often struggle for; all three components of fluency. Precision, low latency, and speed.


I'm looking forward to seeing her next week.