Home » beginning clicker training

Help please

I just recieved my Clicker Training for Horses starter kit today. And
went and bought a bag of treats a couple days ago. So anyway today I
started to get my three horses to touch a cone. My stallion
eventually got to where he knew to touch the cone to get the treat
(he still sniff's and muggs a little but I know he will get better in
a few week's). And even when I moved the cone or left to get more
treats he stayed still touching the cone so I know he got it
(touching the cone to get the treat)but I don't think he made the
connection between the click and that touching the cone ment he did
what I wanted. It seemed that he thought touching the cone made the
cookie appear. Like those pasture pal things where the horse moves
the thing around and treats fall out! The other horses didn't seem to
quite get it either ( again the connection between the click and
treat). They would touch the cone and I would C/T. I plan on
switching to sweet grain instead hoping this will get them more
movated. My ultimate goal is to teach Tricks, Classical Dressage
movements, and Reining and etc using clicker training. I want my
horses to be really spirted and eager to performe the movements I am
asking for. Does anyone know how to get their horse really hyper and
wanting to really perfome? I guess you could say I want "Brio" the
word associated with the paso Fino's or the Peruvian Paso's.I want to
eventually teach my horse/s to performe some things never attempted
or done before. Sorry keeping this a secret! And I need my horse to
really get spirted and hyper.
All of my knowledge has been in horsemanship for prety much since I
had horses! About ten years now! Pat Parelli, Clinton Anderson,
Dennis Reis, John Lyons although John I consider not really the
horsemanship word. His philosphy on horse training are a lot
different than pat and clinton though!
But they still haven't made the connection to the clicker yet. How
long has it taken your horse/s light bulb to go off? I can't seem to
get them really movated though even with apple treats! Don't get me
wrong they wanted the treats and pushed and sniffed my pockets just
no energy or asking question to earn a click and treat!There was no
asking question's or pricked ears eagerily watching me to see what I
wanted. Looking forward to all your ideas/suggestions and stories
about your horses light bulb going off.