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Choosing a Dog

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So, working for a veterinary hospital, maybe I am extra sensitive to this topic, but, why on earth do people get dogs?  So often I hear people complaining about the very traits their dogs were bred to do.  Terriers who dig or chase cats, Labs who put everything in their mouth, Huskies who pull on leash, and, gasp, of all horrors, dogs who shed!!! I mean, do people do ANY research at all?

I am compiling a list of things to remember *before* getting a dog!

~ Dogs live for an average of 15 years.  I take care of several wonderful dogs who are 17 and still going strong (we love you Lilac and Maggie!).  Keep in mind any changes your life may go through in that time and decide if you will still want to care for a dog during those things.  Everyone thinks they will, but stop and be honest with yourself.

~ Every breed was created to do something.  Know what that something is!  Go one step further and call the breed rescue of the breed of your choice.  Ask them what the top reasons are when the dogs are surrendered to rescue.  This is not fool proof, but it will give you some idea of what people find they do not like about this breed.

~ How much time are you willing to spend training, exercising and grooming your dog?  I love to train, but I can hardly be bothered to do my own hair, let alone my dogs!  I have short hair breeds who are "wash and wear", but they do shed!

~ Does your chosen breed have a tendancy to a medical problem?  Are you prepared for it if it happens?  At the hospital we only half jokingly say that you need to set up a trust fund for your dog if you have a Boxer or Bull Dog.  Know their medical predispositions and be prepared!

~ Are you a couch potato or outdoorsy and active?  A Boxer will not be content to lie around waiting for you to provide fun.  Don't get a high energy dog if you are not willing to be active!

Almost all of this information is available with a quick Google search.  Do your homework!!!  And lastly, do not buy sight unseen from an online breeder and stay out of pet stores!  Do not support puppy mills!

I think this is it for now.  I hope this can help somebody!
