Home » thunderstorms

Just when I thought it was all going wrong

Well what a week. 

 Fly decided he is scared of the truck again, Arffa  had 3 sessions on sheep with his "I can't hear you" head on and both of them suddenly started barking manically at our 4 rams and lunging at the fence, with Rab barking at the other two dogs!

What was happening I thought - then it came - three days of thunderstorms. Arffa has always been scared of thunder, and moves indoors to any under cover space or corner, but I had no idea how much the build up to the storm could effect his mood, and then this pass on to the other 2 who are definately not scared of storms.

When the air cleared I took Arffa back to the sheep, not feeling wildly positive, and found that I had my old dog back - still not stopping all the time on the lie down command, but fine from all directions in which he could see me, and still going a bit too fast, but taking his directional commands well, and lifting the sheep from a particularly difficult corner.

Fly and Rab came with me to feed the rams and responded well to the clicker "no fuss command".

And Rab made another new friend "Moriarty " who is coming to meet the others soon.

I'm just off to work with Fly on the truck thing, just going to set everything up the way it was last week when he started jumping in without being asked, and see if that works. Treats but no pressure.

Wish me luck