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Hahn's (Miniature) Macaw - Post by Conan The Birdbarian (aka CoCo)

Huge Macaw Personality in Half the Size...

Now take a look at this picture and that dashing looking parrot. Yes, that's me, I admit it. Take note of the strong mandible and the classic macaw beak. The rich green feathers, bluish head cap, and just a mild hint of red to clearly distinguish me as one of the chosen parrots. Naturally, I am the center of attention in this very thoughtful picture, and as you can tell, my grand looks really highlight the scenics of the imagery. Now don't get me wrong folks, Skye, my companion human is her cute self here too, but let's face it, we all know I stole the shot this time around.



Skye says I have very grand eyes that really show off my "Macawish" looks, and that the orange color is one and a million to look at. Additionally, I get many compliments on my rich green feathers, bluish head cap, and ever delightful distinguishing red highlights on my wings. I'm all MACAW baby and don't ever forget it.

So remember the next time you think "Macaw, think Hahn's Macaw, or Noble Macaw, one of my other variations, and for such obvious reasons. What can I say, I am one "Noble Macaw" parrot and truly capable of talking, cuddling, playing and demonstrating all that is a Macaw in my dynamic personality.

Parrot Monk