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Talking with Pia Silvani about "Reaching the Animal Mind"

I did a radio interview with Pia Silvani that you can download or listen to on line.

Just go to

PetLifeRadio.com and look for Teachers Pet and Karen Pryor, podcast #48

Here’s what KPA graduate and Certified Training Partner said:

“I just finished listening to the podcast, which I loved. Ms. Silvani asked wonderful questions and Ms. Pryor gave wonderful answers. I especially enjoyed the succinct discussion of why P+ is fraught with problems and R+ is preferable, and the clear explanation of why a non-verbal marker is so effective. What a great "thumbnail sketch" of "Reaching the Animal Mind"! Well done!â€

Long-time clicker trainer Deb Manheim commented on our discussion of dogs saying ‘thank you,’ in Reaching the Animal Mind, “I soo enjoyed the phone interview. And, it is my belief, no data here, just observations, that dogs do say thank you. My dear Michael O' did walk-by licks to Stacey B at the Denver APDT conference when she brought him a bowl of cool water, and after every meal, no kidding, after every meal, my Wendy walks over to me and licks my leg. Just one quick lick. I do believe it! :-).â€

Clicks and licks! KP