Home » responsible ownership

Owner Clicks

I'm a member of several dog/animal related online communities. Often in those communities there is talk of irresponsible animal owners. I'll admit to getting frustrated with fellow animal owners in my community as well, oh the stories.

Sometimes I wonder if we spend so much time focusing on the irresponsible owners that we overlook the responsible ones. I've been guilty of this too.

A few weeks ago I was running errands and came across a woman pushing a stroller and walking a large dog. Maybe she stuck out just for the simple fact that she was walking her dog on leash while pushing a stroller. Its more common to see someone pushing a stroller while their dog wanders either far ahead or far behind them off leash. Who knows what it was, I thought it was great that she was doing that and went on about my errands.

A little while later I came across the trio again. This time they were stopped, and she was picking up after her dog! Wow! Even though there is a law here that says you must pick up after your animals, its common to see waste in the parks or even in the middle of busy sidewalks.

I was very happy to see this lady being responsible and thought "Man she should get a prize for that."

That was when the idea came. Why not keep a stash of goodies in the car and "Click" responsible owners when I see them.

So in the next few weeks I'll be putting together Owner Click Bags. The bags may contain things like candy, dog treats, maybe even some local chamber bucks, dog training coupons, a Click note thanking them for being responsible, and of course a business card. I'll keep them the car so when I see someone being responsible I can grab a bag and click them.

Some benefits of the program include: Marketing for my business, Chamber bucks have to be spent locally so hopefully increased business at local shops, and encouraging responsible ownership.

I'm hoping that after the initial shock of Wait you're giving me a prize for picking up poo? wears off that word will spread. Hopefully as word spreads more people will start being responsible in hopes of getting clicked.

After I've done this for a few weeks I'll post with some reactions from the community.