Of course you can Clicker train for Confirmation!

Filed in

My Chihuahua Rudy is now CH. Misty Morn Call Me A Dreamer, CGC!  And it was done using Clicker Training.  Most of the other exhibitors think that Rudy is a "ham".  The behaviors that he offers in the breed ring are all from his Clicker Training!  They think he's a natural....he is....but not with out training!  His self stacking was all achieved by clicking and his ears, tail, and cute looks for the judge were all trained.  It's amazing to me that no one suspects he was "trained".  "Obedience training" is a four letter word in the world of serious Chihuahua exhibitors....they have no idea what they are missing!  And he is by no means done with "showing".  There are tons of other events he'll be entering.  He has his entire life ahead of him....all options are open for this tiny dog!