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''Sit Sadie!''

Filed in - sitting - training

Today we officially started Sadie's training. She needed to learn the basic command ''sit.'' She did pretty well for the first day, although she probably needs a week or so more to fully learn the command. This is how she did.

-She only sat if you raised your hand or treat up.

-She did not respond to the voice command.

-She could not do it outside my room.

She could do it while a iPod was playing a song that was loud.

She did pretty good actually for a dog as crazy as she is. Check out my other blog, ''this is gonna take a while. . . .'' She acted like she never learned the trick sit even partly when we got out of my room. All the noise, things and excitment, she couldn't even think about actually sitting.

-Sadie needs to learn how to sit outside of my room.

-Sadie needs to sit when it is noisy or busy.

-Sadie needs to respond to the voice command ''sit.''

-Sadie needs to keep sitting if I say ''stay.''

This is how I need to train her to sit. We actually made a game out of our 20-30 minute training session this morning. When I said ''treat'' I tossed the treat into the air and she caught it in her mouth. Do you wanna know what kind of treat I use? Cat food. Sadie loves anything except dog food. It's not like we feed her cat food in her bowl though. We have to buy this flavoring stuff thats made for dog food. Dont think that we use the same kind of flavoring, we have to change it every two weeks or so. So I have a picky, crazy, sweet dog. You know whats funny among belief? When she eats chips. It just sounds so funny! Anyways, this is how our first training session went. Give me comments or feedback below.

Thanks so much!