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Getting Started: Clicking with Your Rabbit

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Why leave your bunny in a cage all day when you could both be having fun together?

Rabbits are smart! Find out how your rabbit can quickly learn to:

  • Jump through a hoop and sit in a basket
  • Happily get into your lap to be carried and snuggled
  • Come when called
  • "Gimme five" with a paw
  • Use a litter box
  • Stop biting and other problem behaviors

Getting Started: Clicking with Your Rabbit will show you exactly how to bring out the best in your bunny friend! From cover to cover this useful guide filled with wonderful tricks and useful behaviors you can teach your bunny—all the steps you need to teach them. Get started! Get clicking with your rabbit!

ClickingWithYourRabbit_Sample.pdf881.73 KB

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