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Chinchilla clicker training

Filed in - chinchilla

I have decided that I want to clicker train my chinchillas. I did so with my rats with much success. However, just like any animal there are challenges to be overcome. My chinchillas absolutely cannot have too many treats because they have extremely sensitive digestive tracks. However, they are only aloud limites pellets- two table spoons a day in fact. So, keeping that in mind, I have decided to use their pellets as rewards. Now, Bing, my darker chin seems to really enjoy his pellets, while Mr. Darcy likes them, doesn't seem as thrilled.

Based on this observation, I have started training with Bing to see how it goes. At first i just clicked and treated like one normally would. I did this in the bathroom so Bing is not leashed or constrained in any manner. I have found that even though Bing likes his treats he has an extremely short attention span as he really enjoys jumping about the place and exploring. Because of this, I have decided to let him explore the bathroom first and then start training a little later once he is settled into his surroundings.

I have found that this is beneficial, and his attention span is increased. I have started doing target training with my hand held out flat. I am able to keep his attention for about three minutes, although within that time he will go off and explore, but does come back, which is how long I will do training session.

I have done the target training for three days now, and he really seems to be catching on to the fact that he can control when he gets his pellets. Yay for him! Next, I might start teaching him to spin in a circle.