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Blog #5: Clicker training chinchillas

Filed in - chinchilla

One step forward two steps back. Mr. Darcy has gotten the idea that he should put his (at least) front feet on my shoulder. Today he jumped off my shoulder and we had a chin chase on my hands... exactly what I didn't want. ARGH! But the capture wasn't too bad. I got him to go into the kennel and he got a big reward for that... I just hope the crate is not now associates with something bad.... I think I might be over thinking this though hehehehe.

Mr. Bingley is still learning what he needs to do as far as going into the crate is concerned

However some good news is in order. Because of how I am training. I am going back and forth between the cage and the bathroom to train Mr. Darcy in the cage and Bing in the bathroom. Whenever i walk back up to the bathroom... I don't know... I guess Bing hears me or something because he is ALWAYS waiting for me by the gate and hops over when I sit down to begin the training. It makes me feel so loved... even though I know he is only doing it for treats. It is just so cute!