Home » jumping

Jump up and down, and move it all around...

Filed in - jumping

Meet Jewel.

Catahoula and possibly pit bull, she is a total nut. Having had NO TRAINING by her previous owners I am now fostering a submissive pee-er, a bouncing lunatic, and total lover. However, getting her re-adopted has everything to do with teaching her manners.

What I've taught her this week:

1. Sit when we have to put on a harness.

2. Sit and wait at the front door until I say it's "okay" to walk outside.

3. (Try) sitting when someone walks in the door.

4. (Try) to not counter surf--I don't want dirt in my food, and I don't want my food eaten up.

5. "Leave it" means you get another treat if you look away from the first.


Thats it this week. We work on "sit" more than any other command because she is tall and can (and DOES) jump with all four paws about 5 feet off the ground. At 50 pounds, this just doesn't fly very well! She would do well at agility...but the chances of her being adopted by someone interested in a dog sport is very slim indeed!