AM Training Session Oct. 27

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This morning worked with Beau.  Little guy loves to do the freestyle moves he learned previously and wanted to go through a routine.

Rusty:  Worked on nose touch to hand touch using verbal cue touch.  Weaker on my left hand.  Right hand probably 10 of 10 and left hand missed a couple.

Worked on Leave It.  He breezed through.  Must have thought about this and just watched Beau.  So he got 10 of 10 with changing hands.

Worked on sit and down.  Sit and sit stay are good in the living room.  Down is still weak even in the living room.

Thoughts on C&C Puppy Class.  How about a "playtime" handout for owners.  Take one of the Trish King telecourse soon or the other one on play.

This afternoon do another session.