New to Clicker training !

Filed in

Hi all, this is my first attempt/s at blogging and it is only due to the fact I wish to utilise the (hopefully for me) successful method of clicker training.


We have two young Basset Hounds in Quarantine at the moment, here in Sydney and they get out on January 12th 2011. Whilst we have managed to get by with "basic" training (no REAL training per se, just somehow managing to get them to trot with head relatively level), these two pups are of such high quality "bloodline" wise, that it is imperative they "perform" well for us, and for Basset in the show-ring in general.

We are going to be looking to achieve a couple of specific outcomes, and I would be most grateful for any and all help on these matters.

Firstly, we need the dogs to stand by themselves and not sit whilst in the show ring. They are usually hand stacked to a certain "position" to best show off their body, but to have them "free-stack" (do it themselves) would be the ultimate outcome there - otherwise, if we stack them first then have them stay until told, that is still a bonus.

Next, we need them to trot around the ring with their head level or slightly above level, and whilst their tail normally naturally stands up, I do have a Spanish import who does not hold his tail high. We HAVE varied success (a cpl of the dogs are brilliant, others are just OK) training other dogs of ours using "negative reinforcement". We set their thin chain loop-collar in such a way that unless they hold their head "up" it pulls under their neck skin. We do this usually while just standing around as opposed to in the ring. Once the chain collar is left to sit "naturally", the dogs can do "what they want" with their heads. It is however, a long process with MUCH flicking of the heads and twisiting themselves out of the collar position, which of course does not see much succes/ praise.

The last thing which is important, and which has not been a problem until now, is the dogs letting judges (or anyone for that matter) go over them with their hands. The judges need to feel the dogs all over and importantly, check their teeth for correct bite. One of the new pups (male) is not at all pleased with anyone trying to look at his teeth, and I am hoping it is simply a matter of him getting used to it.


I am hopeful that it will be fairly simple to use clicker training to simply use the clicker/ treat whenever the dog/s stand correctly, but the walking correctly and opening/ checking of teeth have me a little worried as to the process for training those "tricks".


Well, time to get back to Holiday Festivities (sleeping in !!) and I shall get back to this blog with progress reports.

I will start trying some stand training with the Spanish Import we have, as he is still only new to the show ring - will report on any success or otherwise there.


