Training myself with a clicker!

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I just recently got a 6 month old malta-pom puppy. I had never heard of clicker training until I started looking around on the internet for training info. My curiosity was piqued when I saw people on youtube clicker training. So I got a clicker and some treats and started experimenting. I had amazing results in the first two days.

Within a week my pup was potty trained and knew how to sit, lay down, and stand. The thing I noticed first with the clicker was that I was training myself as much as my puppy. I found that the clicker trained me to communicate with my dog as much as it trained him on what I wanted him to do. It's been an amazing two weeks as we have learned to "talk" to each other, and our relationship it coming along quite nicely.

Looking forward to the next two weeks to see what we can achieve together. I still have some questions and this site has been a big help. I'm always welcome to help and tips so anyone out there with some good ideas for a beginner like me my ears are open.

Thanks all.