got a preview of the jumping bit with the satelite guy...fortunatly he loved dogs and had a pitbull and a boxer..and since calli is a mix of the two it seemed to work out....anyways, she barked at him being outside in her i'm not too sure about you i decided to just jump in a experiement a bit....her biscuit treats didn't seem to keep her interest....hence the cheese...the barking ceased after some "look"s at him then me and some cheese....i don't have my clicker with me at my parents house so i had to go sans clicker...the next part was the jumping bit....after watching episode after episode of "it's me or the dog", i tried having the satellite guy give her a sit command with some cheese after her seemed to work, until he moved...but since he had work to do, one sit would have to do.....while he was working i just had to keep her focus on me and the cheese with some sits and seemed to work for a while....thankfully she loves seems to be her high reward.....seems to be some decent progress...I just have to be consistent
Our biggest weakness is MY impatience and frustration.....which, yes, i have to work on....and am/will....but overall, it seems we made some progress for today....